Saturday, February 26, 2005

First post!

Well here's my first post of this new blog! I'm sitting on my sofa in Canley and I've just had dinner and drunk some white wine (which I love) and I now really want to go out and get drunk with the girlies. Unfortunately everyone else is really busy at the moment since it's nearly the end of term so I'll have to stay in and watch Saturday tv. I've had a good day today - done my washing and been to Tesco, but also had all my hair cut off (hurrah!) which looks and feels great, and been shopping to Coventry and bought 3 new tops for work and 1 for home. I love the weekend!

Don't have much else to talk about at the moment - think I'll go and explore more of the settings on this blog. May well return soon!


Anonymous said...

Hello Sarah :-)

Sarah said...

Hello Andy! Gosh, we're all blogging now aren't we. I must go and read yours... :o)

Wilby said...

Welcome to blogging!