Friday, May 27, 2005

Big Brother

Sweet lord, where do they find these weirdos?! Maybe if they put all the nutters like that in secure houses the rest of us could get on and live normal lives. You know I'll be watching it every night though...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, quite a strange bunch again. They probably just said most of those things in auditions to get in the house and will turn out to be quite normal - especially the one from Atlantis. I've got no idea why that conservative chappy went in though...

Anonymous said...

What a load of weirdos. Everytime Lesley (not of the Hodgson variety, the large one from Huddesfield that wore a nurse's outfit) opens her mouth she says something ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Oops that was me. I can't get the hang of commenting on your blog Sarah!

Sarah said...

I know, it's confusing, sorry. The Lesley one is truly fantastic and is definitely this year's Jade Goody/Helen (as in Helen and Paul). I think Mary may well turn out to be a star though, even if she is from Atlantis!