Sunday, June 11, 2006


Much as I love the sun and heat, I really detest it when it gets humid. Suncream combined with humidity in the air makes me sticky and grumpy and saps all my energy. Hopefully the thunderstorms we've been promised for tomorrow will clear things up and the air will dry out again. In the meantime I shall continue lying about, feeling horrible and watching my hair turn into something out of the dark ages before ceramic straighteners were invented (nothing has any power over its insane tendencies in this weather). In summary: grr.


Anonymous said...

Haha, glad someone else's hair being weird! I want to straighten but it's too hot....

I managed to burn after an hour of reading in the garden. So not happy. And also kinda pink...

Anonymous said...

Woooooo!! Massive thunderstorm happening right now over Leam!! I love thunderstorms (as long as I don't get struck by lightening - if I do get struck I don't love them quite so much). This is exciting!xx

Anonymous said...

I refused point blank to leave the house this morning until the thunderstorm subsided. This meant getting in at 10, which is allowed, but means I am now behind... although there's still time to blog! What else are lunch hours for?

Sarah said...

Handily, the rain started bucketing down at 8.15 as I stepped off my bus, and stopped at 8.35 which was 10 minutes after I got into the office. I walked through a thunderstorm that was directly overhead (simultaneous thunder and lightning) and my skirt got completely soaked through. On the plus side it kept me cool all morning! I do love storms though.

Anonymous said...

Storms are only nice if you have your mum or a suitable substitute (such as a nice man) to cuddle up to in case you get scared.

Anonymous said...

Or alternatively Julie Andrews...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she's well fit.