Saturday, June 16, 2007

The value of friendship

I may be drunk. I may in fact be very, very drunk. But I can tell you one thing. I LOVE my friends and they are brilliant. Fact.


naomi424 said...

Yay!! I hoped this weekend would spawn a drunken blog entry! Well done on the typing when drunk, not a mistyped word in sight :-).

You are fantastic wench and I'm so glad I know you, and I'm sure everyone that knows you feels the same :-). Muchos love xxx

Sarah said...

The typing was surprisingly good wasn't it?! I was concentrating so hard...

Wilby said...

Well, at 11:42 last night, I was also drunk, so I feel qualified to add:


Anonymous said...

I love you too wenchy-cakes x x x

Dave's Amen is seconded. Friends rock!