Sunday, October 23, 2005

A gentle Sunday afternoon in the life of Sarah

I have a new mop bucket. It is red.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I have a red mop bucket too! Obviously what all the best people have lol :)

Anonymous said...

My mop bucket is blue! This is because my drainer, cutlery holder and cutlery drawer thingy are also blue. Does a matching set count as being as cool as a red mop bucket? I want to be as cool as Sarah and Naomi...

Sarah said...

Juicy you are super-cool anyway! (Super-cool, what an American phrase.) I think a matching set definitely counts.

Wow, I managed to start a conversation about buckets! Scary.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is slightly scary that such a short post about mop buckets has started such a discussion!

I have no mop bucket, for I have no mop. I feel deprived.