Saturday, February 03, 2007

A breakthrough!

Today, ladies and gentlemen, I finally understood how to do the frankly stupid manouevre known as the reverse round a corner. For weeks now I've been attempting to do this with my instructor talking me through it, not having a clue how I'd go about it by myself. However, this morning the light dawned and I reversed myself round left and right hand corners while knowing exactly what I was doing. Thanks goodness for that!

I'm feeling fairly legendary this morning in many ways...not only is the driving progressing well, but I'm also keeping up with my other goals that I set for the year. I've been frankly fabulous at work this month, and I've not only saved my target £200 but I've also underspent by another £30 which I'm saving in case we end up going on holiday this year. Also, this morning I weighed myself and I've lost half a stone - woooooo!

The weather's gorgeous today and I'm going out to get my hair cut this afternoon. The world is definitely looking more positive. :o)

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