Monday, February 26, 2007

Fantastic weekend

I had such a good weekend! I forgot how much I enjoy entertaining people and having parties, and it was brilliant to see all my friends. I drank gin, I laughed, I tried on the only item of clothing in the world that will ever give me breasts (and they nearly took my eye out!) and I had a fabulous time.

The next morning we all got up at about 11 and ate toast, and then Jo and I went for lunch at Strada. The food and service were excellent, and it was such a nice treat. The afternoon and evening I spent eating more toast and watching Sex and the City, and it was brilliant to watch something that didn't make me cry. There were no happy endings, no blind assumption that the girl will always get the guy, and plenty of the realism of being single. Of course I know it ends up annoyingly well in the end of the last series, but series 2 is great and also makes me feel good that I'm only 24 and not 33.

Fabulous party, gorgeous lunch out and snuggly me-time. An excellent weekend.


naomi424 said...

Yay for good weekends!! It was a brilliant party so thank you hostess for laying it on :-)

Can't tell you how eager I am for the order to arrive though - I was positively in need of it last night...

Heehee xx

brandy said...

I love Season 2, although I'm such a sucker for Season 3 and the fight episode between Aidan and Carrie where she finds his rogaine. And I do know what you mean, watching that show makes me feel good I'm not in my 30's yet!

Anonymous said...

Naomi behave!! Horny devil.

It was indeed a fab party and fruit wine was an excellent addition.

Oh and your breasts looked great in that top. rar!