Sunday, May 27, 2007


I just randomly clicked through to my profile (to remind myself of what it said!) and found that it's been viewed a quite staggering 800 times. This worries me a lot. Who are all those people? When I'm jotting down my random drivel I often forget that people are actually going to read it - I tend to write with an audience of about ten in mind, and sometimes it's just for me as a way of recording events so that I can look back on them in the future and remember what my life was like. I've started wondering just who's out there, following the little mundanities of my life! Anyway, you are all of course very welcome, and quite frankly if you're making it through everything without falling asleep then well done to you - and feel free to comment if you like!


Wilby said...

I in no way wish to put a downer on proceedings, but I should point out that a largeish proportion of these 800 will be search engines visiting the page to catalogue it....

Sarah said...

Ooh, that makes so much more sense. Thanks! :o)